Galveston Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer

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While most crimes can be prosecuted at the state level, there are some that are prosecuted at the federal level. Being charged with a federal crime can be frightening. A Galveston federal criminal defense lawyer can help you understand the charges being brought against you and fight for your rights. Having a skilled criminal defense attorney in your corner can make all the difference in the outcome of your case.

galveston federal criminal defense lawyer

A Law Firm You Can Trust

Navigating federal charges can be intimidating. At The Law Offices of Richard Kuniansky, we understand the gravity of federal charges and the effects they can have on your life. For over 40 years, we have supported clients who have fought a wide range of federal charges. The nuance of protecting yourself against federal charges should not be left to any defense attorney.

We are committed to providing the representation you need for your unique case. We believe in upholding your rights and will work to ensure you receive a fair trial. We will strive for the most favorable outcome for your situation.

What Is a Federal Crime?

Federal crimes do not have as many classes at the state level. This is due to the fact that federal crimes must have a federal interest at stake. Therefore, these crimes tend to be broadly identified. The federal government covers the following:

  • Crimes on federal land, such as a military base or Indigenous reservation
  • Crimes against a federal agent, such as assaulting an FBI agent
  • Fraud or deception against a federal agency, such as tax fraud
  • Crimes committed across state lines, such as taking a kidnapping victim across the country
  • Crimes against immigration and customs laws

If a crime is charged at the federal level, it is unlikely to be charged at the state level as well, although there is no statute that bans that from happening. It is possible that a crime can be acquitted at the state level but convicted at the federal level. Ultimately, though, prosecutions on both levels for the same crime are rare.

Differences Between Federal and State Crimes

While there can be some overlap with federal and state crimes, they each have their own distinctions.

  • Jurisdiction: Federal laws violate laws established by the United States government. They usually involve crimes that violate federal statutes. State crimes violate state laws, so they are subject to that state’s government.
  • Prosecution: Attorneys from the United States Department of Justice prosecute federal crimes and represent the federal government in court. Attorneys representing the state government, such as district attorneys and county prosecutors, prosecute state crimes.
  • Laws and Penalties: Penalties for federal crimes include incarceration in a federal prison, fines, and probation. State crimes can receive fines and probation as well, but will typically involve incarceration in a state prison. A convicted person for a state crime can also face community service.
  • Investigations: Federal agencies, such as the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), and DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), will conduct investigations into federal crimes. State agencies, such as state police or sheriff’s agencies, investigate state crimes.
  • Geography: Federal crimes often either cross state lines or can have international implications. State crimes occur within the boundaries of the state.

Examples of Federal Crimes

Federal crimes violate the laws of the United States government. These can encompass a range of offenses. Some examples include:

  • Drug Trafficking: Manufacturing, distributing, or possessing drugs with the intent to distribute is considered a crime in the United States. This includes offenses related to narcotics, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and prescription drugs.
  • White-Collar Crimes: White-collar crimes cover offenses in business involving fraud, deceit, or dishonesty in business or financial transactions. Some examples of this include securities fraud, bank fraud, wire fraud, tax evasion, insider trading, and money laundering.
  • Federal Weapons Offenses: There are federal laws that prohibit the possession and usage of certain weapons. These violations are related to firearms, explosives, and other weapons and include illegal possession, trafficking, or smuggling of firearms, as well as offenses involving prohibited weapons or explosives.
  • Immigration Violations: The United States has laws regarding the process of immigration. Crimes related to immigration law include illegal entry into the United States, visa fraud, human trafficking, and harboring or smuggling undocumented immigrants.
  • Counterfeiting: Counterfeiting produces illegitimate documentation and tries to pass it off as the real thing. This includes offenses related to counterfeit money, passports, trademarks, and intellectual property. An example would be creating a false passport and attempting to use it to leave or enter the country.
  • Terrorism: Terrorism is an act that threatens national security. This includes planning, financing, or carrying out terrorist attacks or providing support to terrorist organizations.
  • Cybercrimes: Cybercrimes can involve hacking, identity theft, and distributing malware, among other things. These crimes are characterized by the use of computer and internet technology to commit the offenses.
  • Federal Racketeering (RICO) Offenses: RICO offenses include engaging in a pattern of criminal activity as part of an organized crime enterprise, such as racketeering, extortion, money laundering, or running illegal gambling or drug operations.
  • Insider Trading: Insider trading is a type of securities fraud where a person or group buys or sells publicly traded stock based on information not given to the general public. Essentially, that person or group has access to confidential information and uses that information to make investment decisions in a company’s stock, giving them an unfair advantage over everyone else.

How a Galveston Federal Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help

A federal criminal defense lawyer in Galveston will play a critical role in a federal case. Their responsibility is to protect your rights and advocate on your behalf. They will assist in all aspects of the case, including:

  • Offering Legal Experience: Federal criminal defense lawyers understand the complexities of federal law. They will be able to offer you guidance and understanding of federal statutes while also providing you with options and potential outcomes.
  • Assessing Your Case: Your defense attorney will thoroughly assess your case. When it comes to federal crimes, each case is different. An attorney will review the intricacies and details of your case in order to begin forming a plan. They will also assess the strengths and weaknesses of the government’s case.
  • Developing a Strategy: It is crucial in a federal case to examine the details and devise a strong strategy. An attorney will use strategies to strengthen your case, including challenging evidence against you, filing pre-trial motions, and negotiating a plea deal.
  • Representation in Proceedings: An attorney will represent you at all levels of the case, including pre-trial proceedings, trial, and appeal (if necessary). They will advocate for you in court and protect your rights. A lawyer will also advocate for fair sentencing if you are convicted.


Q: How Much Does a Felony Defense Attorney Cost in Texas?

A: The cost of a federal defense attorney in Texas varies based on a number of factors. These include the complexity of the case, the length of time it takes to resolve the case, and the method of payment charged by your attorney. Some attorneys charge flat fees, and some charge by the hour. If a case is more complex and requires more time from your lawyer to gather evidence and craft a defense, the cost will likely be higher than in simpler cases.

Q: What Is the Highest Defense Lawyer Salary?

A: The salary of a defense lawyer varies based on different circumstances. Salary is based on experience, location, and area of law, among other things. It will also depend on who has employed the attorney, such as private practice, government agency, or non-profit organizations. Generally speaking, if a defense lawyer works for a well-known, established, prestigious law firm and/or has high-profile clients, their pay will likely be higher than others.

Q: What Characterizes a Good Criminal Defense Attorney?

A: A good criminal defense attorney will be someone that you feel comfortable working with during your criminal trial. They will also have experience with cases similar to yours and a history of positive outcomes with those cases. A good defense attorney will have a fee structure that matches your budget and a communication style that meshes well with your own.

Q: How Long Is the Average Federal Trial?

A: The duration of a federal trial varies based on the factors surrounding the case. The more complex a case is, the longer the case will typically take to complete. If there is a lot of evidence or a large number of witnesses needed to testify, that will also increase the duration of the case. While federal trials are often organized well, the length can still vary if the circumstances surrounding the case warrant additional time.

Contact The Law Offices of Richard Kuniansky Today

If you are facing federal charges or are under investigation, you don’t have to face it alone. The Law Offices of Richard Kuniansky is here to provide you with the support, guidance, and legal counsel you need. We can discuss your case and explore your options, then build a strong defense tailored to your specific needs. Contact The Law Offices of Richard Kuniansky to begin speaking with someone today.

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